The Best Sex I Ever Had: My Best Friend's Ex

Last weekend was absolutely thrilling! I found myself in the most unexpected situation, but it turned out to be a night I'll never forget. The energy was electric as I found myself swept up in a whirlwind of passion and excitement. I couldn't have predicted it, but sometimes the best experiences come when you least expect them. If you're ready for a night of adventure, check out this comparison and see which app could lead you to your own unforgettable night.

When it comes to dating and relationships, there are certain lines that are not meant to be crossed. One of those lines is dating or being intimate with a friend's ex. However, as much as we try to stick to these unspoken rules, sometimes the heart wants what it wants. And in my case, it led to the best sex I've ever had.

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The Backstory

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It all started when my best friend, let's call her Sarah, broke up with her boyfriend, John. John and I had always been friendly with each other, but as Sarah's best friend, I made a conscious effort to keep our interactions strictly platonic. After all, I would never want to betray Sarah's trust by getting involved with her ex.

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But as time went on, John and I found ourselves spending more and more time together. We would meet up for drinks, go for late-night drives, and have deep, meaningful conversations that left us both feeling a strong connection.

The Attraction

As much as I tried to deny it, I couldn't ignore the undeniable attraction I felt towards John. He was charming, funny, and incredibly attractive. And the more time we spent together, the harder it became to resist the pull towards him.

I found myself constantly thinking about him, fantasizing about what it would be like to be with him intimately. Despite my best efforts to push these thoughts aside, I couldn't deny the overwhelming chemistry between us.

The Forbidden Encounter

One fateful night, John and I found ourselves alone at his place after a night out with friends. The sexual tension between us was palpable, and it wasn't long before we gave in to our desires.

The sex was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was passionate, intense, and incredibly satisfying. Every touch, every kiss, every moment felt like pure ecstasy. It was as if we were both completely in tune with each other, and the connection we shared translated into mind-blowing sexual chemistry.

The Fallout

Of course, our actions didn't come without consequences. When Sarah found out about our tryst, she was understandably hurt and angry. I had violated her trust, and I had to face the repercussions of my actions.

Our friendship was strained, and it took a long time for Sarah to forgive me. I regretted the pain I had caused her, but I couldn't deny the profound impact that night had on me.

Moving Forward

In the aftermath of the fallout, I couldn't help but reflect on what had transpired. Despite the guilt and the consequences, I couldn't deny that the sex I had with John was the best I had ever experienced.

The intensity of our connection, the raw passion, and the overwhelming chemistry were unparalleled. It was a night that I would never forget, and it left me questioning the boundaries and rules that we often adhere to in the dating world.


My experience with my best friend's ex was undoubtedly a complicated and controversial one. It tested the limits of friendship and challenged the unspoken rules of dating. But it also taught me a valuable lesson about the unpredictability of love and desire.

While I don't condone or encourage getting involved with a friend's ex, I can't deny the profound impact it had on me. Sometimes, the heart wants what it wants, and the best we can do is navigate the aftermath with honesty, humility, and empathy.

In the end, my experience with John taught me that love, desire, and attraction can be messy and complicated. And sometimes, the best sex we ever have can come from the most unexpected and forbidden places.